Leadership Mastery Program

Twenty-two years ago, my team not only felt unmotivated, but most of them hated me! I was at a loss and did not know how to lead. I was frustrated, sad, even hopeless at times, and just plain confused about how to lead a business successfully. I remember searching for books that would help me “make my team do what I want” and then one day I realized the only person I could improve was myself.

But once I realized “I can improve myself,” I had a whole new perspective and so much hope! We can all improve our leadership. That means we can improve our businesses!

So I started getting coached by the world’s best. I read every book I could find on leadership (and still do). I went back to school to get my MBA. I promised myself I would only succeed or learn from every situation. I committed to optimism. I promised myself I would be a life-long learner and absorb everything I could about business and, most importantly, leadership! The results have been, and continue to be, outstanding in my life, my business, and my teams.

At the end of the day your business is a reflection of your leadership.


After 22 years of getting coached by the world’s best, studying, running, starting, selling, and coaching other businesses all successfully, I’ve created the Leadership Mastery Program which includes the best tools & strategies to help you:

  1. Stop the overwhelm. Gain clarity on what to do and when.
  2. Learn the annual and monthly strategic processes that lead to business success.
  3. Feel more confident and competent as a leader.
  4. Learn how to prioritize and be more productive.

This six-week program includes:

  1. Weekly hour-long, live coaching from me in a private group.
  2. The opportunity to ask me questions live, or later in the private group.
  3. Weekly challenges and tools to implement in your business right away.
  4. Three extra Q&A sessions with me, live.

*These are the very same concepts, strategies, and tools I use in my businesses and my clients' businesses.

If you want to escape those feelings of overwhelm, uncertainty of what to prioritize, being overworked and underpaid, and frustration with your team, this is your shortcut to find the solutions. I've distilled the most impactful things I've learned and implemented into these six weeks.

Join us!

Kelli-Rae Tamaki, MBA

job description and kpi important tools

Kelli-Rae Tamaki is the founder, owner, and head coach at TMH Business Coaching. Kelli-Rae has over 22 years of experience running, leading, owning, and coaching businesses from a variety of industries. She is also the best-reviewed business coach and consultant in the country! Check out our reviews!

Kelli-Rae and TMH are on a mission to increase the success rate of businesses by coaching business owners/leaders on marketing, leadership, and financials. The Leadership Mastery Program was designed to dive deep into leadership, because we know that leadership is the foundation of a successful business. Commit to improving your leadership today!

Join now to receive:

  • Six weeks of world-class business leadership coaching from February 27-April 3
  • Weekly challenges and tools to help you implement what you learn
  • Support and encouragement in a private group
  • Three EXTRA office hour sessions with Kelli-Rae to her ask questions
new business owner

Business Can Be Better™, and it SHOULD be!