How Often Should You Post Online For Best Results?

How often should you post online for the best engagement and SALES? The more the better. Remember that normally a TINY percentage (less than 5%) of your followers actually see your posts. Posting five times a day or more will get you much more reach and increase your leads. If you handle those leads properly, it will increase your sales.

You may be feeling, “Ugh—more work?!” or, “Who has time for that?” Here’s the great news: if you’ve been posting online for any period of time, you have some posts that performed well that you can REUSE.

Recycle My Posts?

Yes, that’s right—you can reuse your best-performing posts. If you’d like to switch the photo/background/effects you can, but you don’t have to (but do check for outdated content). Because such a small percentage of your audience sees you post online, you don’t have to constantly post new content.

In fact, I recommend that you repost successful past content 50-75% of the time. You can also have your team do this for you. Here’s a quick video with a couple of tips on how to re-use previously posted content:

This article dives in deeper about how and when to repost your own content.

Not So Much Work As You Thought

See, you feel better now right?

PS: I test EVERYTHING I teach you and YES we are getting FAR MORE LEADS with more posting, and far more sales, of course 😉

PPS: I’ve been getting more feedback that LEADERSHIP is the biggest gap in modern business, so we will begin a leadership series of blogs after our online ones.


If you need more help on how to get better at online marketing, contact TMH Business Coaching and Consulting today for a confidential, free, no-obligation consultation to propel you forward. Also, please feel free to add yourself to our weekly coaching tips email!

Business can be better™ and it should be!

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Kelli-Rae Tamaki

Kelli-Rae is truly passionate about successful business, and believes it can always be better, which is why she has spent 22 years studying, running, coaching and consulting with businesses, just like yours.