Have You Ever Sent An Email That Was Misunderstood?

I know I’ve sent an email that was misunderstood.

As a leader, it’s very important to clearly communicate with your team. Sometimes this involves talking to them in person, on the phone, or even sending a video! Sometimes, texts and emails, just don’t cut it.
Sometimes (a lot of the time) people misunderstand your electronic messages. They read it with a much different tone than you intended, or worse, think you’re being sarcastic when you’re not.

Avoid Misunderstandings By Avoiding Electronic Messages

Man Talking On Phone

If your message has any emotion or room for misinterpretation you should use one of the following methods:

  • Pick up the phone
  • Send a video (we use loom, it’s awesome, and free! https://www.loom.com/)
  • Talk in person

Choosing one of these methods will communicate the tone and warm feelings you want the other person to hear!

One More Rule

Never EVER EVER send an email if you are angry! Take some time to get a grip (use your emotional intelligence) and then have a real conversation, using one of these methods.

Trust me. This will improve and in some cases save your relationships.

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Kelli-Rae Tamaki

Kelli-Rae is truly passionate about successful business, and believes it can always be better, which is why she has spent 22 years studying, running, coaching and consulting with businesses, just like yours.
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