How To Make Your Staff More Productive

I usually don’t give leadership advice about “making your staff” do anything—it’s usually about you being a good leader. This case is no exception; below are the things you can do to make your staff more productive…. See what I did there? Enjoy.

This link describes how employees that feel appreciated are critical to a business’s success.

  1. Make Sure They Have Very Clear, Written, And Signed Job Descriptions With Clear And Measurable Goals.

Review these goals with them at least monthly. Their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or goals should be the most important, measured tasks on their job descriptions that drive the business towards its most important goals.

  1. Make Sure Goals, Especially Team Goals, Are Posted In A Conspicuous Place For All To See.

Then, it’s really important that you, as a leader, look at these goals often to show the team they’re important.Being a good leader will make your staff more productive

  1. Use The “Appreciation Language At Work” Quiz To Figure Out Each Team Member’s Appreciation Language!

This works better than anything else I have ever tried, and will save you a lot of money, angst, turn over, and frustration! Here’s the link. And no, I absolutely do not receive any kickback or money from recommending this! As with every single one of my recommendations, I recommend what works for business owners.

  1. Talk With Your Team Members To Discover And Remove Old Unnecessary, Processes From Their Job.

Trust me, there are things you asked someone to do a longggggg time ago that they are still doing that are redundant. When you can clear away the unnecessary work they magically have more time for their priorities (their goals)! An example of this may be that your team is still recording everything about a customer in a spreadsheet, when in fact all of the information is being captured automatically by your awesome new CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. Ask them to go through their day, their week, their month with you and you will be able to remove all of these time-wasters!

  1. Last And Most Important, BE A GOOD LEADER!

Appreciate them (in their preferred appreciation language). See them. See the good things they do. Don’t micromanage. Let them work where they want. Let them work when they want. Give them flexibility when and where they want it and it’s possible. Walk the talk. Be trustworthy and keep your word. Have their backs.

Here’s a video of me talking about how to be a better leader and make your team work better by talking with them:

I hope you have an amazing week with your team!


If you need more help making your staff more productive through being a better leader, contact TMH Business Coaching and Consulting today for a confidential, free, no-obligation consultation to propel you forward. Also, please feel free to add yourself to our weekly coaching tips email!

Business can be better™ and it should be!

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Kelli-Rae Tamaki

Kelli-Rae is truly passionate about successful business, and believes it can always be better, which is why she has spent 22 years studying, running, coaching and consulting with businesses, just like yours.